Module 7 Lessons 1 to 4 - Shark Tank pitch deck

Learning intention - Understand how to pitch a business idea

Success criteria:  I can create a pitch deck to pitch my business to judges


Lesson activities

Distribute Founda Shark Tank assessment. Watch Founda ‘Pitch time’ video. Discuss each dot point that needs to be addressed and what is expected to be seen/discussed by the judges. Check for understanding about each point - make the entrepreneurs aware that most of this info has been created by them already.

The entrepreneurs need to create an elevator pitch line to start off their pitch. Numerous resources on the internet exist to help with this. 

Founda recommends using Canva for creating a pitch deck - heaps of templates to help with this. There is also, which will put together a pitch deck in seconds, and then the students can build upon it.

Discuss best practices with presentations - less is more, colour schemes and fonts, use of images etc. Use Founda's 'How to create a great pitch deck.pdf' to help with this.

Watch Shark Tank Aus YouTube videos for inspiration and examples of what to do (and what not to do). 

Rehearsing is key to pitching - practise at home and in front of peers. They have only 2-3min to pitch their business - make it count! 

Join Founda's community for the following resources: Founda video, helpful websites, Founda Shark Tank assessment template.

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